This crazy but wonderful protein-packed crustacean is called the Mysis Shrimp. If you have not heard of these things, I highly recommend reading up on them and find a Mysis fed river near you. They’re pretty amazing creatures that have created outstanding fisheries. I’m going to skip right to the good stuff and share with you how I put Shafer’s Mysis to work on waters that hold these fantastic creatures.
Targeting Mysis Shrimp Feeders
Creeping up on a big beautifully colored up trout that you could see from a mountain top is not always an easy task. In Mysis fed waters it’s pretty much the standard game. Find that big colored up Mysis fed trout, plan your approach and put a good drift on them. It sounds like a pretty easy task but not as easy as one would think. These fish are very aware of their surroundings. Everything comes into play, make a wrong step to close or and errand cast and they’re gone! Keep your distance and set yourself up at an angle that the fish won’t see your cast or be lined. Don’t get trout fever, hold your mud! Be patient and plan your approach.
Another key point is to make sure the fish you are targeting is feeding. Mysis shrimp fed trout are notorious for being lock jawed at times. The feeders will usually suspend in the water column they won’t sulk on the bottom. Mysis are buoyant and they will travel currents all throughout the water column. Trout in these waters feed when they want to and when Mysis are plentiful in the system. Look for those flow increases from the dam and plan your trips with those flow increases. The main point I’m getting at is, don’t waste your time on non-feeding fish, this is probably the most common mistake I see on Mysis waters. Keep moving and watch for fish swinging from side to side or up and down in the water column. It’s a matter of timing up that feeding rhythm with a well-placed drift. Do all this with the right rig and you will be in business.

Tackling Mysis Feeders
When I rig for Mysis waters I keep everything as simple as possible. I typically start with a two fly indicator rig; on the attractor, a #16-#18 Shafer’s Living Mysis trailed by #18-#22 Shafer’s Dying Mysis. Use a longer leader, my standard on Mysis waters is 9 feet. A big key is an indicator that doesn’t set off alarms with color and shape, white or black yarn is typically what I use or a clear small/medium Air-Lock indicator.
Next is your weight, make sure it’s getting you down to the depth the fish are feeding in the water column. Tight line systems work great as well, put a #16-#22 Shafer’s Mysis on the dropper and match your point fly weight to the depth the fish are holding. In tight line systems, I have found it’s better to be on the heavier side with the point fly. Try and get the Mysis dropper tracking in the trout’s line of sight. For those back eddy and slow water sippers a dry dropper system with a Shafer’s Mysis 18-24 inches below the dry, it can be deadly.
Lastly, load up your rigs with some 5x-7x Masterclass Fluorocarbon tippet it really does make a huge difference! Especially when you get into those hart pounding Mysis fed trout battles, that will run you around every rock and all over the river.
Mysis waters are a little different game but the rewards are those amazing fish that you just can’t stop admiring! Check out these waters they are well worth the time and effort.