Stillwater season is off and running in the UK! For everyone from beginner to expert, we have a range of flies that are tried and tested fish catchers. These top 10 stillwater flies have seen decades of development work, and you shouldn’t travel anywhere without them.
Mini Weighted Snake Olive
Snakes have long been a go-to pattern for many stillwater anglers, especially when targeting large resident fish feeding on fry or recently stocked rainbows. But quite often they can be too big and fish will follow and turn away before taking. At 5cm in length, these flies are designed to get eaten! Fish them on any line from a floater to a fast sinker with a steady retrieve. Designed by Fulling Mill Consultant, Rob Edmunds.

Black and Gold Humungus
Without a doubt, the humungous is one of the most famous modern trout lures in the UK. It is highly effective for both Rainbows and Browns and is available in a number of guises for all fishing situations, both small stillwaters and reservoirs on any line or retrieve.

Blue Flash Damsel
Designed to imitate a damsel fly nymph, this medium sized fly is a fish catching machine. It’s weighted with a gold bead at the head, and is designed to be fished slow and deep early season or when the water is cold. This pattern is highly effective in stillwaters especially when fished around weedbeds.

Daddy Real (Foam).
A best seller. A realistic close copy pattern that is hugely popular, accounting for countless fish every year, mostly fished dry but equally effective semi-drowned sub surface.

The Daddyhog
The bulky deer hair wing and head create a take inducing wake on the surface. This produces splashy rises when retrieved on a floating line.

Yellow Owl Cul
This is a style of fly that perfectly matches a variety of midges which, coincidentally, are probably the most prolific bug on the water.

Muskin’s Black
A general purpose dark nymph tied in the Sawyers style but with breather filiments at the head, effective for both Rivers and Stillwater’s on any line.

KJ Super Diawl Bach
A new twist on a classic pattern. It imitates nothing specifically but suggests a whole host of food items that trout feed on.

Nemo Holographic Red
This lightweight slow sinking nymph pattern is from the Cruncher Series, which is highly effective for targeting Stillwater Trout. It’s a great generalist imitation. It can be used on any line from floater to fast sink.

Buzzer Black (superglue)
The Superglue buzzers are streamlined patterns that are ideal for fishing below a Bung or as a team of buzzers ‘straight linning’. Fish three or four on a cast and let them swing around with the wind.

If you want to learn more about how to use these top 10 stillwater flies, Check out our articles by Rob Edmunds. A competition angler and stillwater expert, he covers a range of tactics and techniques.