Who is Rachel Finn? In her own words she’s “a hopeless trout bum that has been guiding for 30 years in the Adirondacks at the Hungry Trout.” We’ll tell you what though, Rachel is a hell of a lot more than that.

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Not only has she guided in the Adirondacks for 30 years, but she guided float trips for 10 years in Alaska. She is also hopelessly in love with Argentina and has a passion for hosting trips to cool places! But let’s be honest, winter’s in NY are cold as hell and you need to find things other than fishing to fill the winter months. So, outside of guiding, Rachel is an artist with an MFA from the Yale School of Art. She spends much of her winter creating art in her studio using a wide range of mediums. Almost all of her work features fish, wildlife and fishing themes. Her recent series of stocked/wild is incredibly thoughtful and provocative.
We’ve known Rachel and followed her work for years, so we knew she’d be just the person to help us with our new catalog cover.

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If you don’t yet follow her, go check out Rachel’s Instagram, linked here!
With the launch of our new tying materials we wanted to do a cover that highlighted them. But how would we do that in a way that’s interesting in engaging? We decided Rachel was just the person to solve this dilemma. With a bunch of materials in hand, she got to work. To say we’re thrilled with the results would be an understatement.

The above cover is what we went with for the 2024 season outside of the US. It not only incorporates some of our packaging, but several of our new materials as well. And, it features one of Rachel’s signature silhouetted fish. For those of you in the US, stay tuned for another cover from Rachel coming later this year!