An inside look: Fulling Mill designer ‘Cheech’ and what’s in his fly box?
Published: 10th October 2018 | Author: Fulling MillWe’ve gathered a handful of FM designers to delve into their fishy brains in better hopes of finding out a little bit more about them, how they fish, what they’re fishing and what they’re up to!
Greetings, Cheech how are you these days? Hopefully, you’re finding some time to get away to your local or not so local fishery to get some good days in on the water. Would you mind taking the time to answer a couple of questions below? This is to get our consumers better acquainted with our designers and give them a better understanding of who you are and what you enjoy doing most… fishing!
FM – So, CHEEEEEEEEEEEECH give us a little background? Who you are and where do you reside?
- My name is Clark Pierce if you work with me… For everyone else, my name is Cheech (my brothers named me that because I speak Spanish.) I live in Riverton, UT (Salt Lake City area). Married with 3 kids that are starting to get more expensive by the minute. I’m co-owner of Fly Fish Food (AKA “Fly Tying Disneyland.”)
FM: Good stuff. Between the kids and the shop, I’m sure you’re kept busy!
FM – How do you spend your time when not fishing?
- I try to tie flies every day to keep the skills sharp and to keep the creative juices flowing. I like to ride my mountain bike and shoot guns and stuff…
FM: It certainly shows in your videos posted on YouTube… the tying that is, not the biking and shooting of firearms… At least I don’t think so!
FM – When fishing, what are your favorite species to chase?
- Just the old boring ones… I really like brown trout because of how aggressive they are. I also love Largemouth bass even though I don’t get to fish for them enough.
FM: Browns are tough to beat, I’ll have to agree. Nothing like pulling up a big ole’ slab of butter.
FM – Do you prefer fishing in lakes/ponds or rivers/streams?
- I’m addicted to floating rivers right now. I love the challenge of floating and fishing at the same time.
FM: Sounds a bit dangerous but I’m sure you’re up for the challenge!
FM – Drift boat or wading, which do you prefer?
- Drift boat or fishing raft 100%. If I can float it, I will.
FM: I suppose where you live, fishing the bigger rivers is probably the best avenue to take in order to get a chance at some big fish.
FM – What’s your favorite food item to pack for lunch/snack?
- Some type of delicious aged Diet Mt. Dew and some type of snack. Anything as fancy as cured meats and cheeses to a bag of macadamia nuts.
FM: Can’t argue with the cured meats and cheeses! I know you to be a fiend for the Mt. Dew as well.
FM – If given the choice, what fly would you fish for a whole day? Nymph, streamer, dry, emerger, wet (or salt if applicable) and why?
- Articulated Trout Slider in gold and white. I love that you can see the fly pretty much the whole time you fish it, and you can see all the action when Hog McGee brown trout decides that he needs a snack.
FM: I was going to guess the Complex Twist Bugger in brown! I will say though; the Articulated Trout Slider is a killer sight fishing fly in any color combo.
FM – What is your tried and true method of choice when fishing?
- It really depends on the water… but I have the most confidence in a midge tip rig on a lake with a variety of hatch matching flies. Rivers vary so much based on time of day/year/hatch that it’s hard to dial just one method.
FM: Very well said. Lake fishing for trout can be and is so much fun.
FM – What would be your most memorable catch?
- A 25” brown trout that smacked a Cheech Leech 3 casts after switching from a euro nymph rig.
FM: Hah! I bet that was a nice unexpected surprise. There really is nothing like dead drifting streamers on a tight lining rig… I bet that fish was pretty.
FM – What destinations (if any) are on your bucket list and have you already been there?
- I need to do some saltwater fishing! Redfish or baby tarpon sound like a blast. I’d also love to go to Argentina for 3 to 1,953 months to just explore.
FM: Couldn’t find fault in any of those choices. We hope you accomplish those!
Thanks for taking the time to sit down and have a chat with us Cheech.

Cheech’s dry fly box