Fulling Mill Seabass Range produces Brighton Bass
Published: 28th September 2017 | Author: Fulling MillWith a host of tarpon, permit, GT and bonefish flies, our Saltwater fly range is not exactly built for the domestic UK angler, that is with the exception of our Seabass range. The saltwater range has long been a jewel in our crown here at Fulling Mill, but sadly, one that we ourselves rarely get to test out.
Seabass on the Fly is growing in its popularity with events such as the UK Saltwater Fly Festival which is now in its third year as well thanks to guides such as Robin Howard A.K.A Fishy Rob who have worked tirelessly to open up this sport, one which we wholeheartedly recommend.
Rob very kindly approached us in August and invited us to spend a session with him aboard BIF 1, his new Pirate 21 Centre Console purpose built fly fishing boat, naturally, we leaped aboard.
We met at 0645 on an unusually warm September morning, enjoying the benefits of prolonged high pressure and hopped aboard this immaculate boat. Rob trotted us through the usual safety briefing, issued life jackets and we were off.
There was no messing about and we were soon out of the harbour and casting our first drift over a what we were assured were bass. Sure enough, within a handful of casts both Rob (on the lures) and Steve on the fly had Bass aboard and we were off the mark.
In terms of fly fishing kit, we fished 10# fly rods with shooting heads, 7ft leaders and classic patterns from the Fulling Mill Seabass range. The Blue & White 2/0 saltwater streamer courted much interest from all parties beneath.
It was hard work for a novice like me, casting these heavy sinking lines out, usually to about 30ft max and then stripping as hard as possible right up to the boat. More often than not, you’d get a tug and a follow from a couple of fish, again right up to the boat and then it was back to square one. After two hours, my arms were aching but the sport kept us going and as we did, the numbers gently rose.
Over three full hours we took over 13 fish between the three of us, admittedly Rob accounted for the most on the lure, but Steve and I still took circa 8 on the fly which was just great. Seabass range
Rob is a first class guide, super keen to ensure you get the most from your day, not only in time spent fishing, but in numbers landed and to that end, we couldn’t have been happier to be aboard with him. With novices again he is great, encouraging and informative all with one aim, to get you that fish.
Rob runs BIF 1 throughout the year (soon to be joined by BIF 11) taking out up to four parties a day. You can hire the whole boat or share it with another party, either way, he won’t leave you shy of sport. If coming by train to Brighton, Rob can (subject to prior arrangement) collect you from the station, making this a truly accessible outing for all.
For pricing & availability please see his website – https://www.brightoninshorefishing.co.uk/
If you’re keen to have a go at Bass fishing on the fly, give Rob a call. You won’t regret it.