An inside look: Fulling Mill designer ‘Davy Wotton’ and what’s in his fly box?
Published: 30th November 2018 | Author: Fulling MillIn this installment of An Inside Look, we’ve talked to Fulling Mill designer Davy Wotton to find out more about him and his fishy brain.
Greetings, Davy, how are you these days? Hopefully you’re finding some time to get away to your local or not so local fishery to get some good days in on the water. Would you mind taking the time to answer a couple of questions below? This is to get our consumers better acquainted with our designers and give them a better understanding of who you are and what you enjoy doing most… fishing!
FM – So, Davy give us a little background on yourself? Who you are and where do you reside?
- DW- I reside in Arkansas and operate Fly fishing schools, guide and outfitter service for the White river. Fishing has been a passion of mine since the 1950s, for all species by different methods, that said it is all matters related to fly fishing that has precedence for me.
FM- Well Davy, your name is synonymous with fly fishing and fly tying. Your work within this industry over the years is known and respected.
FM- How do you spend your time when not fishing?
- DW- My other passion is competitive clay target shooting and hunting, more so for upland species.
FM- Two quality pastimes for sure! I miss my clay shooting, we’ll have to get around to shooting a couple rounds of trap sometime!
FM- When fishing, what are your favorite species to chase?
- DW- No doubt trophy brown trout.
FM- That’s quite apparent! I’m sure living and guiding on the White you would almost have to be a brown trout enthusiast.
FM- Do you prefer fishing in lakes/ponds or rivers/streams?
- DW- I have done it all many times and all have my attention, that said l would say fishing stillwaters, for the main reason that there are many more different skills to know than fishing moving water systems.
FM- That’s a quality answer and hard to dispute. I think a lot of anglers overlook stillwater fishing because they associate it with warm-water species and I think the general consensus is; Lake fishing is too easy and doesn’t offer a challenge, which is entirely wrong!
FM- Drift boat or wading, which do you prefer?
- DW- No real difference for me, that said if l had to choose, drift boat as l can use many more techniques and cover many more fish and fish many different zones in the same day.
FM– Quite true Davy. There is something about stalking fish from the bank though that just speaks to me… maybe I just need to get out on a boat more often.
FM – What’s your favorite food item to pack for lunch/snack?
- DW- That would be roast chicken sandwich.
FM- Solid choice, you’ve got your essentials covered with that one! Bread and meat.
FM- If given the choice, what fly would you fish for a whole day? Nymph, streamer, dry, emerger, wet (or salt if applicable)? Why?
- DW- As much as l prefer to fish the classic traditional wet fly patterns if l was restricted to one fly it would likely be a hare’s ear nymph, close second would be my white tail midge. For the reason l know they will catch fish for any water trout reside in.
FM- I myself enjoy fishing wet flies as well, classic spiders to be exact but, like you, I would have to choose a hare’s ear variant or pheasant tail variant. They just work. That whitetail midge of yours on tailwaters can be quite devastating, you’re right about that!
FM- What is your tried and true method of choice when fishing?
- DW- No argument here it would be wet fly fishing, there is no other methods that compare to it, all be it, l use many of the more modern variations of fly l have innovated.
FM- Couldn’t agree more. I always have them with and they always make it onto my leader at some point throughout the day. If things ever look bleak they always seem to produce. No surprise this is your choice of fishing.
FM – What would be your most memorable catch?
- DW- That’s a hard question as there have been so many. I guess the big Bow l caught in Chile for many reasons too long to explain here.
FM- I would imagine just being in Chile fishing for large fish in of itself is probably more than enough to make this your most memorable catch.
FM – What destinations (if any) are on your bucket list? Have you already been there?
- DW- There would be two, Labrador and Iceland.
FM- Iceland seems to be on everyone’s list, good reason too! Labrador hasn’t been in the headlines as of late, that would be an amazing adventure too. You can’t argue fishing for large eager brookies.
Davy, thanks for taking the time to answer our short little Q&A. It’s always a pleasure chatting with you and picking your brain! We appreciate your knowledge and everything you’ve done for this community.