April is the month when things start to change on UK reservoirs. The temperatures rise and insect life increases. As such, buzzers are usually the first to appear with sedge, midge and various species of beetles to follow. When it comes to catching trout in reservoirs throughout April, buzzers will almost certainly be part of their diet. Us anglers will need to replicate these as closely as possible in terms of movement, shape, and colour if we want to find success. To help you this season, we compiled a list of our Top 7 Buzzer Patterns for trout to try this April.

Patrick Tillard image.
A good friend of mine once said “When you get it right, fishing buzzers will probably be the easiest method you’re ever going to use.” He certainly wasn’t wrong! What he meant was that when you’re buzzer fishing, you basically have to cast out and hold on. No much else is needed. Other than keeping the line straight. Simply don’t move them.Being a readily available natural food source, almost every fish in the lake will switch onto them. As a result, buzzers give the angler an opportunity to fish for the resident trout in the lake. These are the ones that have been there for months or even years after being introduced.

Top 7 Buzzer Patterns
Jenkins’ Quill Buzzer Fluorescent Orange
Quill buzzers are absolutely deadly for rainbow and brown trout all year round. Although they are most effective during the months of April, May and June where hatching buzzer are in abundance. The mix of natural stripped quill for the body and its red holographic thorax and fluorescent orange cheeks is simply irresistible to any trout feeding on buzzers. Fish this fly static on floating line, on the washing line or under the bung and your catch rate will rocket. The Jenkins’ Quill Buzzer is available in both size 10 and size 12 to help you best match the hatch during buzzer time.

Jenkins’ Quill Buzzer Fluorescent Yellow
Much like the orange version above, this is another top performer when fishing for trout on stillwaters. This yellow version is most effective when the olive buzzers are out, so you’ll want to make sure to have some for that. This buzzer is available in both size 10 and size 12 to help you best match the hatch during buzzer time.

Jenkins’ Grey Boy Two Tone
The two tone combination on the wing buds of this fly offer great contrast in gin clear water. The Jenkins’ Grey Boy Two Tone Buzzer is available in both size 10 and size 12 to help you best match the hatch during buzzer time.

Two Tone Buzzer Black
The Black Two Tone Buzzer is a very effective fly pattern for reservoir trout. Its equally successful fished static under the bung or with a team of flies in clear water. Designed by Fulling Mill Signature Tier Rob Edmunds. This pattern is available in sizes 10 and 12.

Traffic Light Buzzer
This best seller is a very effective nymph pattern designed to imitate the natural chironomid with the addition of high visibility orange side cheeks. These orange cheeks work as a great hot spot, which induces takes. This pattern is available in sizes 10 and 12.
Red Neck Buzzer Black
A very effective large buzzer pattern designed to imitate the natural chironomid by having a red rib to simulate the blood filled body of the natural pupa. This pattern is available in sizes 8 and 10.
Rob’s UV Buzzer
A new addition to the range, Rob’s UV buzzer is a strong attractor pattern. The UV properties of this fly help it stand out amongst naturals, and make it easier for the fish to pick out. It’s a must have. This pattern is available in sizes 8 and 10.

Patrick Tillard image.
If you want to learn more about buzzer fishing and how to make the most of these top 7 buzzer patterns for trout, here is a great article on Buzzer Fishing from Rob Edmunds. In it he highlights all the aspects of how to fish buzzers. You can also check out this video where he shares some of his buzzer tips:
If you are planning to fish buzzers this season, the flies in this Top 7 Buzzer Patterns article are all available from Fulling Mill. The full range is much more extensive. You can them all out here.